Glorious Glasgow

Glasgow is a great city, and I must do some more posts about it!  The architecture is just amazing - well, the old stuff, that is, not the modern monstrosities!

This building in Virginia Street dates from 1817.  From 1946 - 2000 it was the home of Jacobean Corsetry.  I just love this sign, and hope that it doesn't "disappear"!  This area was once the thriving, prosperous centre of Glasgow's tobacco trade. 

The so called "Tobacco Lords" were merchants who traded with the "colonies" (sorry overseas friends)!  I've already mentioned Greenock's former sugar and woollen industries - the river Clyde was an important trade artery in former times, and still is, to a much lesser extent, today.

If you would like to find out more about Glasgow - The Glasgow Story is a great site with lots of interesting historical information and pictures.

I'll remember my camera next time I go!

Love, Liz


Vintage Jane said…
We have never been to Scotland ... but often talked about visiting. Having read your latest post we have decided Glasgow is defintely on the agenda - hubs loves architecture.
Sal said…
That's fascinating!
I've visited Scotland a few times but I've never been to Glasgow.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a great week!
Vintage Sunday said…
Glorious Glasgow indeed! Just beautiful ~ thank you so much for sharing these lovely photos! My Grandmother and all her family come from Glasgow, so it was special to be able to see these lovely images on your blog ~ thank you! So much looking forward to more posts about it! Love Brenda
Kylie said…
I love that sign too Liz, is it at risk of being removed? That would be dreadful.
We just don't have as many gorgeous old buildings out here in the colonies (ha!)as you do...
Even thogh modernist architecture is what I love most I appreciate much older buildings too.
Thanks for sharing.
Used-to-Bees said…
That sign should have a preservation order on it! What beautiful old buildings. Look forward to seeing more!
Thanks for all your lovely comments. I often think Glasgow gets overlooked by tourists who, rightly, want to see the historical castles and picturesque aspects of Scotland. But there's a lot to be said for Glasgow's grand industrial past. Will do some more posts, but "The Glasgow Story" is a great site for more information about Glasgow.
Love, Liz
Sylvia said…
Hello Liz,
Glasgow looks like a wonderful city, beautiful old buildings !
I love that sign too !
Wish you a nice week,
Wanda Lee said…
Hello there dear Liz,

Many thanks for your kind words and prayers last week for dear Pam.

Last week's tea post was so innovative and pretty with that lovely soap, roses and tea cup!.., Oh my!
So charming!

This post about the charms of Glascow is wonderful as well; so inspiring!

Thanks also for taking part with last week's TTTT and also with my
80th, Tuesday Tea For Two.., We always love having you join in the fun with us!..,

Pam was much improved when they left for home last week; I'm delighted to be back in the swing of things once again with my own blogs as well!..,

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
Unknown said…
Hi Liz,

So glad I came across your blog. I have never been tO Glasgow,but it sure does look wonderful. I love the architecture. That sign should definitely stay where it is. I enjoyed my visit. Hope you can pop over for a visit too.
Nice to meet you ;-)
Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows
Lovely pics, I was just thinking I would kind of like the sign to disappear and reappear on my kitchen wall, its fab. I always think that Glasgow is very like Belfast. Have a great week,love Linda x

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