Schoolgirl Sally

I was at a Christian Aid book fayre at the weekend and found this little treasure – “Sally Travels to School”.  This book was given as a prize in the 50s, but I think the story is set a bit earlier.

There’s a lovely black and white picture at the beginning.  Looks like teacher wears pince-nez – very scary!

Don’t think Sally was much of a cook!

Couldn’t find anything out about the author, Muriel Fyfe.

If any of you lovely vintage gals are looking for some music to fit in with your treasure hunting – think I’ve found just the CD.  Found it on Amazon and the sound quality is great.

It is music from the TV series “Pennies From Heaven” and there are some great tracks on it.  I’ve been playing it a lot, its a bit of a change from what I usually listen to!

Listening to it makes me think of Poirot or Jeeves and Wooster – very atmospheric!

Love Liz

Please don’t think you are seeing double.  I posted the next bit below about bargain cake stands a week ago, but when I tried to change the label, something went wrong and it appeared in draft and I can’t put it back in its right place.  Since there are a few comments, I didn’t want to delete it!  So just ignore it – you’ve probably read it before!


Scarlett said…
Love the book, i wouldnt want her cooking my weekend breakfast eggs though! Scarlett x
Fab book, and as I loathe egg white and love the yolk, those poached eggs sound good to me!
Wendy said…
The Thirties is one of my favourite eras. The fashion, music and innocence is lovely. We bought a CD of 30's music to play at my mum-in-laws 80th birthday party in March - everybody loved it. Very evocative and nostalgic.

I like that line from the book..."the yolk looked rather bald and self-conscious"....brilliant. Can just see it. :)
Little Nell said…
Hmm, not a title that says ‘Read me’ immediately; I bet it didn’t in the 50’s either - which is why it’s in such good condition. (I’m probably being a bit harsh.) I wouldn’t trust that teacher either, and it looks like Sally has had enough of her unwelcome attentions too - no wonder she was in tears over spoiling the breakfast eggs!
Vintage Sunday said…
What a lovely book ~ I love the old Sunday School prize books from the 50s ~ I loved reading them to my children, and very much enjoyed them myself (not that I'm that old, mind, just that I like the writing/stories of that era!!). And thank you so much for letting us know about the CDs ~ amazingly, I've been on the lookout for something like that, so will pop on over to Amazon now! Thank you! Love Brenda
Kylie said…
gorgeous book Liz..I loved Enid Blyton's naughtiest school girl series when I was little, desperately wanted one of those tuck boxes full of cakes and potted ham! (didn't even know what potted ham was...and still don't)
Nick said…
I love anthing to do with boarding schools. I so desperately wanted to go to one. It would have been so jolly! I had pimples though and all the girls would have bitched about my 'spots' and told me to get out on the hockey field...and stop reading books. You know, I didn't know what spots were until I was an adult, I had imagined they were really big freckles.
I think those of us "of a certain age" read lots of those boarding school books and thought it would be great to go to one! Remember the Chalet School books by Elinor Brent-Dyer?
Glad I didn't go!

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