Heilan' Coo

Took this picture of a highland cow, or heilan' coo as we would say.

Reminded me of this little ditty -
ahem, clears throat, poses dramatically as if on stage and recites -

Upon a hill there stauns a coo …..
Its wandered aff …..
Its naw there noo!

Bows gracefully and exits, stage left - thunderous applause!

Don't know who wrote it - sound a bit like something Stanley Baxter would have said!  But it’s a bit of fun - try it with a Scottish accent - amaze and astound your family and friends!

Love, Liz

A little bit of Scottishness on Sunday!


OOh, I love highland cows! The photo is gorgeous, thanks for sharing a bit of your Scottish Sunday, Tam x
Kylie said…
What a gorgeous looking cow Liz. I like the little ditty too, but I'm notoriously bad at accents so i didn't recite it to anyone here.
Jem said…
Gorgeous picture, Liz! I love Highland Cows! :-)

Jem xXx
Vintage Sunday said…
Is there nothing more beautiful than the Scottish accent!? My poor mother was teased so much as a child here in Australia that she promptly 'lost' her accent! Such a shame!
Lovely post! Love Brenda
Rose H (UK) said…
Love the Coo! I think they are such handsom beasts.
The poem was written by William McGonagall the poet from Dundee, his stuff always sounds to me like it was written by Spike Milligan :o)
Best wishes
Rose H
Pene said…
I think they are so cute, theres a field of them on they way out of our village and they have a calf which is just so cute. I just want to jump the wall and run over to give it a big cuddle.. Not a good idea as mummy has very big horns!!
Scarlett said…
I've had a good chuckle doing it with a very dodgy scotish accent - need to work on it a bit more before I use it as my party piece ;o) Love the photos. Scarlett x
I just love the Scottish highland cows! We saw them when we vacationed in Scotland and they were so beautiful!

Great picture and love your little ditty. Kind of reminds me of travelling on the Stranraer ferry one time and the Scottish attendant asking if we wanted Mc Coo juice in our coffee!Love Linda x

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