Brilliant School Books

A friend and I were having a chat about reading books we used to have in primary school and how wonderful some of the stories were.  Not only did we learn to read, we also learned lots of interesting facts along the way.  The story I can remember which really made an impression on me was the story of Grace Darling.  My friend said that she had some old school books and that one of them had that story.  Here it is!

I loved this story – so exciting.  I am sure it was this series of books which started off my love of reading.  There were potted versions of “The Three Musketeers”, “Aesop’s Fables”, cowboy stories, adventure yarns and many folk tales from around the world!

The questions on the story were challenging!

They had great illustrations and straightforward facts.

There were some lighter moments too!

Are you an Alert Bert or a Potty Lottie?

Looking through these books really took me back to my schooldays – whenever I got a new reading book to take home, I devoured it on the first night!   I was a strange child – I adored primary school.  I suppose I was very lucky – I remember most of my teachers with great affection.  They were wonderful!

Hope your schooldays were good too!

Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
ooh these are just lovely - i love old books too (as you prob know!). Im looking out for some books old books with illustrations much like these for the nursery hopefully with a nautical theme. Scarlett x
Oh this links up so nicely with my post - those cowboy type pictures are the kind I'm after for the boys' rooms, as you know I love vintage books. I must dig out all my old horse stories too - they were my mum's - Jill's Gymkhana and the like.

What I remember about Grace Darling as a child is thinking she had a very odd name - I always heard it as 'Grey Starling' (my parents taught me a lot about birds). Must have been the way the teacher said it!

I loved primary school too, especially reading and art.
Vintage Jane said…
Just bought my little man some Enid Bylton Famous Five books - really looking forward to reading them with him. We read the Faraway Tree series and he was captivated by them.
Little Nell said…
These were wonderfu books. I’m a (fairly recently) retired Headteacher, and many children learned to read using these books and Wide Range readers. However, I expect we’re being a bit nostalgic. I remember someone from the school library service doing a cull on my school library and throwing out the 'old fashioned' books. Obviously we couldn’t have them in the library once they were out of date, but so many wonderful storybooks were picked off in this way.

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