Scottish Plain Bread

Because my younger son is home for a few days, certain special foods had to be bought as “treats”!  Everyday things which ex-pats miss. 

Scottish plain bread – delicious toasted.  I love it with loads of butter when I’m having a fry-up (not that we have that very often ahem!).

It has a different shape from pan bread – the crusts are wonderful!  Many a wean (child) has lost a wobbly tooth on a plain crust – they are great for teething babies to gnaw on!

plain on right

Most Scottish bakers have their own version.  The texture looks different from normal bread – I suppose that’s why it tastes different.

 When we were wee it was always plain bread we had, except when visitors came – then we had pan bread!

I’m off to have some toasted – washed down with – yes, you guessed – Scottish Blend tea!

Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
Great post, I could do with some supper crusts for my teething one - he's got 3 coming through all together! Ive been giving him our poor comparison english crusts and he's made short work of those! Scarlett x
Vintage Sunday said…
What a lovely post ~ and what beautiful packaging on your bread! I'm sure your son will appreciate the thoughtful treats you have prepared for him :) ~ just lovely! Love Brenda

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