Hidden Charger!

Blogger isn't letting me upload any photos today, and since the post I was going to do is mostly photos - well, no point!

So I'll update you on the phone charger.  I found it this morning after looking for it for two days. 

It was lying on the window sill in my study - a room I spend a lot to time in.  The window is right across from the door, so I see it the minute I walk in the room.  The phone charger was not hidden, obscured, or covered by anything - it was just lying there!

My only excuse is that I've been avoiding looking at that window,  because since the ash cloud (Icelandic volcano) its been a bit, err, well, dirty - and I haven't got round to cleaning it yet!

So I have two questions:-

1.         Where has charger been for two days ... holidays?
2.         Anyone else still having trouble with Blogger?

Love, Liz


Kylie said…
glad you found it Liz, don't you hate it when that happens!!!
Blogger is working fine for me...but I've had a few emails from people who say it still isn't working for them.

p.s. And yes. I will still talk to you when I'm famous. Ha-Ha!

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