Pink Vintage

Isn't it funny how on certain days, when you are out charity shopping, you somehow find things that just seem to go together!  I found these lovelies last Tuesday - in different shops!


These two plates are just so pretty, especially the flowery one.

The other is quite plain, but very classy, I think.

My favourite find was this lovely red and white tablecloth in its original packaging!
Big decision - to take it out or not? 

But then what would be the point of keeping it pristine?  No doubt that's why it ended up in the charity shop in the first place!  Ho hum ... decisions ... what do you think?

Have a lovely weekend.

Love, Liz

I'm linking up with Pink Saturday at How Sweet The Sound.


Vintage Sunday said…
Yay! I can finally comment! Those plates are simply beautiful Liz ~ yes, especially the flowery one, but both in their own way ~ such a wonderful find! And the tablecloth is just lovely too ~ I would take it out, use it, and enjoy it! Would look so lovely with those new china plates on top! Love Brenda
From The Heart said…
Great finds! I love the flowered plate!
Kylie said…
pretty in pink...
I'm like you Liz, I struggle to remove things from their original packaging...not sure why really because it's much nicer to use them and touch them instead of just looking at them through plastic x
Vintage Gal said…
Liz what lovely treasures ~ I would take that table cloth out and use it~! Life is tooooo short not to use it ;-)
Unknown said…
I vote to open the package and use the tablecloth. I buy a lot of vintage linens and I use them. I even own 5 vintage (and I mean old) chenille bedspreads and we use them as blankies when laying around watching television or reading a book. They are soft and yummy. One of our favorites has gotten a few little holes in them and I have had to mend it, but I just believe in having this stuff in our lives. My thoughts. Enjoy the day!
Scarlett said…
Take it out! Let the tablecloth fulfill its tablecloth destiny! Love your little plates, i so know what you means about finding items in different cs that go together, happened to me on friday, will picture them for the blog next week, Scarlett x
Jem said…
Get it ouuuut! (not to sound like one of the extras from The Full Monty heckling the guys stripping!) I really like that it's still in the packet but it's also too lovely to just stay in there not being used. Those plates are gorgeous, Liz - I absolutely love square shaped ones and those look so good together :-)

Jem xXx
Ann said…
These pink vintage plates are so pretty. Seems like they used pink quite a bit----love these.
You are all right - I am going to open it and use it! What's the point otherwise! It goes so well with my kitchen.
LV said…
You had a very good day on your shopping spree. Loved all the little plates.
Pene said…
Okay Liz you need to tell me where your doing your charity shopping as the shops in Largs are very limited. Did go to Paisley the other day and found one good CS!! By the way have been trying to comment for days but probs with Blogger so catching up now.
Hugs Penex
Fancy Vintage said…
Oh my gosh, am so loving those pink plates and tablecloth, stunning!
what a buy!
Becca x
Madison said…
Wow! Love those plates. My heart is beating a wee bit faster.

Madison xxx

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