Coronation Bible

I found this wee New Testament at the Christian Aid Book Fayre recently.

Its only 4½" by 3" - absolutely tiny!  (Excuse the Mr Blobby ruler - it was the only one I could find.)

It would have appeared to have been issued to commemorate the coronation of George VI in 1937.

Some little sepia pictures at the front and coloured illustrations inside.

Lovely little publication.


Coronation pictures from another little magazine I picked up (and blogged about) a few months ago - the Pictorial Life Story of King George VI.

Love, Liz

By the way … does anyone know where I left my phone charger … hmm … I'm sure I left it in the kitchen ………………………!  Where on earth is it??????


Jem said…
I'm an absolute sucker for anything Coronation related, I love the sense of tradition and commemoration about them and your bible was a beautiful find Liz!

Jem xXx

P.S Being a bit of a weirdo I'm also fairly partial to the Mr Blobby ruler - but that's the stationery junkie talking. Whatever happened to Mr Blobby?!
Little Nell said…
What a little gem that is; I love those old-fashioned colour plates. I still have my Bible given to me by my parents fifty years ago, and it has similar illustrations.
What a gorgeous little treasure. Tam x
Vintage Sunday said…
Oh that Bible is just so lovely Liz ~ what a little treasure indeed! Love Brenda
Scarlett said…
Its lovely, what a great find! Like Jem im also loving the mr blobby ruler! Scarlett x
Kylie said…
lovely Liz...
sorry, but I have no idea where you've left your phone charger! Ha-ha...if you're anything like me it will be somewhere safe where you can't forget where you put it...Ha-ha!

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