Japanese Tea

This week’s tea cup comes from Japan.  My uncle was in the Merchant Navy and travelled all over the world, bringing my Gran back lots of interesting things.

This type of china was very common, I believe.

I had packed it away years ago, but after a bit of a search, found it in a box on the top shelf of the cupboard.

A quick wash, and it was ready for photographing.

Hold the cup up to the light and you can see a geisha!

I had forgotten how pretty this was!

Love, Liz

I’m linking up with -


Vintage Sunday said…
Oh wow ~ how beautiful! Love Brenda
Kylie said…
My Nan and Pop had a similar tea set...I used to love looking at the "magical" geisha when I was little.
I'd love to go to Japan one day - it's on the lengthy list of 'when I have money' wants! That hidden Geisha is fantastic.
Diane said…
That is beautiful - loved your last post about Glasgow too. x
Jem said…
Oh it's an absolutely gorgeous set, the concealed Geisha is just amazing too!
keshling said…
I love the hidden geisha....how on earth did they do that???

K xx
Used-to-Bees said…
Sweet - even nicer with the family connection and the hidden geisha!
Lovely tea-set, with the hidden Geisha, what fun! Thanks for visiting Liz and leaving your lovely comments, love Linda x
Fábio Carvalho said…
Thank you for stopping by!
That's a beautiful set you have there.
Unknown said…
It's really pretty... looks very delicate, and lovely that there is a family connection xx
Scarlett said…
oh i love this set - so beautiful, esp the hidden geisha! Scarlett x

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