Absolute Bargain Cake Stand!

Had a wee rummage around B & M today and spotted this absolute bargain!
A two tier cake stand for just £1 ..... you read it right .....just £1!  An absolute bargain!

Now, I was not attracted to the cheesy picture of the lovely young couple, rather the thingymibob in the middle – the handle.  I doubt if you could find one for that price anywhere!

It means you can make your own cake stand for next to nothing!  Just find two plates – and drill holes in the centre - probably best to practice on an old plate first! 

Draw a paper template of the round part of the underside of the plate – this means that you can easily find the centre and mark it on your plate.  Use a tile/glass drill bit.

I’m off to get some more to make vintage stands – what a bargain!

So, get down to B & M pronto and see if your branch has any of these in stock! 

What on earth am I going to do with the original W&K plates?!?!

Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
What is B&M? I dont think we have this store down here :o( Great idea pinching the handle, ive got some handles which ive been meaning to turn into a cake stand but have so far not got round to it. What do you do with all your stands? Mwah Scarlett x
Hi Scarlett - B&M is a sort of cheapish shop that sells just about everything! They have a few branches around the country.
I'm hoping to sell the cake stands - eventually! So if there is anyone out there who would like one ... email me!
I've been wanting to try this for sooo long, but for some reason hadn't thought of dismantling a cheap one (and haven't seen any). Genius find! Sadly I've no idea what B & M is, guessing it's just in Scotland? Living in London is not all it's cracked up to be (aside from theatre and gigs), all the bootsalers and charity shops know that cake stands are sought after and price accordingly. Looking forward to seeing your latest creation.

Lakota x
Wendy said…
Yes they are overpriced around here too - and so many shops sell the same mass-produced ones so making your own unique stands is such a good idea.

I would love to make some - am a bit nuts about them. Then of course, they need to be filled with cakes. :)
Nick said…
Good work! I am always on the lookout for those. At one stage I was going to make them, but the only place you can get the fittings was the UK and the postage was terrrible,plus they weren't cheap, even for bulk purchase. Can't wait to see your version.
Vintage Sunday said…
Oh yes, what a bargain indeed ~ Well done! Looking forward to seeing your cake stand! You could always try selling the WandC plates on eBay :)! Love Brenda
Wow, what an amazing price Liz. I am sure that the cake plates could be collectable, maybe ebay is a good idea. Tam x
Unknown said…
Hi,FAB idea to make a cake stand using a handle from a new one,I ADORE cake stands and have quite a collection of vintage ones,florals are my favourite,I use them in my invisible tea shop!!!'bye for now Pam.

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