Little Red Reading Book

I found this lovely little school reading book in a second hand bookshop.

It would appear to be part of a series of reading books prepared by the Infant's Reading Committee of the Education Department of New South Wales, Australia.

It has stories about a family - Mother, Father, Ken, Jill and Pamela and there are some sweet little illustrations inside.

I think it probably dates from the early 60s.  Does anyone know more about it?

Wonder how it ended up in Scotland fifty years later!

Love, Liz

I'm linking up with Its a Very Cherry World! for Rednesday


Scarlett said…
This book is amazing! Love the title ;o) My best male friend would love this! Scarlett x
Little Nell said…
Now, that is a lovely litle book! Nothing wrong with the title, after all it rhymed with ‘day’, just what you want in an infant reading book. Pity the word’s been hijacked really.
I found you on Rednesday It's A Very Cherry World

I like you little books because I have lots of little books also.

Have you heard of Dick and Jane books here? old school books with pretty pictures like yours

Ann said…
I was going to use the word hijacked too. Lovely red book, I'm sure litte ones enjoyed having it read to them.
★Carol★ said…
The illustrations are SO sweet! I love finding old books, and they look great when displayed in your home too!
Happy REDnesday,
Sylvia said…
What a lovely old book, Liz, I do love the illustrations !
LV said…
That is a neat little book that would be fun for any child today.
Lesa said…
What a darling little book! I was wondering how it ended up in Scotland too. Vintage books are treasures, aren't they. I'm addicted to buying them and always wonder about previous owners especially when there are names/inscriptions.

My bookblog hosts a weekly M-Th Bargain Book Bonanza linky party to showcase any and all sorts of book bargains. You are invited to link up this post or join in anytime-- we would love to see all your bargain vintage books. Here is the url to this week's BBB if you'd like to check it out:

Happy Rednesday!
Hi Liz, thank you for visiting my blog. I'm so glad you did as I've just had a pleasant lunch break (I'm at work) rummaging through your blog. Adore the illustrations of this book. Also, love your flying pheasant crockery. Your cake stands are genius and I love how you find those cake stand fittings from BM for a quid!

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