100 Posts and a New Header

I can hardly believe that this is my 100th post!  How did that happen?!!

To celebrate I've changed my header - using photos of my kitchen dresser.

Here are some of them in more detail -

I love my dresser and change it around often. 

Didn't realise I had so many chickens!

Thanks to all of you who follow my blog and who comment regularly - I really do enjoy every comment!

Here's to a few more posts!

Love, Liz


Your dresser is lovely and makes a perfect header. Congrats on 100 posts - not sure I'm halfway there yet!
Used-to-Bees said…
Congratulations on your hundredth post (and it's letting me comment today!) Your dresser is gorgeous - a great selection of knicks and knacks!
Scarlett said…
Congrats on 100 posts! Im so having dresser envy, i really want one and keep seeing lovely ones on peoples blogs! The cake stand ive just made is very much like yours as you said! Will put pics on tomorrow :o) Scarlett x
keshling said…
I really like the (gonna show my total lack of nature knowledge here) ducks (?) in flight crockery. Can you tell I'm a city girl? ;)

K xx
GardenOfDaisies said…
Congratulations on the 100 posts! Your new picture is a perfect way to celebrate a blog milestone! ( I don't even know how many posts I have... do you just add the yearly totals up? Or does it tell you that someplace in the stats?) I love all your pretty china and the blue tea cozy!! I need to find one like that!
Congratulations Liz. Love the new header, Tam x
Vintage Sunday said…
Congratulations Liz ~ and we've enjoyed all 100 of them! Your dresser is just beautiful ~ as is that adorable tea cosy and your new header! Love Brenda
Kylie said…
Congratulations Liz...I'm very nearly at 100 too. Incredible! I love your new blog header, the crockery with the flying ducks/geese is lovely and so is your blog.I'm on the hunt for chickens to add to your collection...
Vintage Gal said…
Congrats on your 100th post ~! Love the new header and just love your chickens ;-)
Nick said…
Congratualtion, the header looks great. How are the plates going?
Wendy said…
100 posts! Great going - I might be a while getting there.

I would love to have a dresser but wouldn't know where to put it - my kitchen is far too small. Yours is wonderful, and filled with beautiful objects.

ps. your header is good. Like the touches of blue against the neutral colours. Just right.
Little Nell said…
Many congratulations from a relative newbie. I’m glad we’ve discovered each other! I have been admiring your cakestands, and seen how Scarlett has also made the transformation. I’m not a cake-eater but as storage for soaps or other cosmetics in the bathroom, it’s a lovely idea. As for the header- what can I say? I must research how to do it, as mine looks a wee bit bland; any tips gratefully received.
Lovely new header! Your dresser is a very nice one - and you've got some great stuff on it! Abby x

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