Poor Margaret

This is Poor Margaret.

She’s one of my dolls from when I was a little girl.  I knew she was in a box with Tressy and thought I should rescue her and give her a make-over.  What a tatty pink frock, and she does look a little grubby!

She has lovely features – bright blue eyes and a little cupid’s bow mouth!

Look at the little dimpled hands and toes!

She seems to be made from a mould as her arms and legs don’t move.  I had forgotten how nice she was.  When I was little I had another doll the same size as Poor Margaret.  Her name was Pauline and she had the most beautiful blond hair and was so pretty.  She got dressed in all the pretty clothes and placed at the top of the doll’s pram because her arms and legs could bend and she could sit very nicely.  Poor Margaret got what was left – usually the old knitted stuff – and put down the bottom of the pram because she could only lie down.

When we were little my brother and I had bunk beds – me in the top bunk (because I was older) and him in the bottom bunk.  (Bear with me, this story is going somewhere!).  He was jealous of me having the top bunk, and one night as I was just about to go to sleep, with Pauline dangling from my hand, he pulled Pauline’s other arm and it broke off!!!  Even although she only had one arm, she was still my favourite and I kept her for ages afterwards – just made sure she had long sleeves on! 

But now she’s long gone!  But ....... Poor Margaret is still here!

ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
That scared the burgeebies out of me!! I'm not too sure about Poor Margaret I'm afraid, I think she has been harboring grudges about Pauline for far too long, whilst hidden away in her cardboard box. I reserve judgement until her make over!!
Sophie xx
Jem said…
BAHAHAHA!!! :-D I actually spat out a (thankfully small!) mouthful of tea when I saw the movie poster :-)

It reminds me of that scary story which seems to do the rounds at sleepovers, camp fires etc about a doll who eats her owner while she sleeps!

Jem xXx
I find dolls a little scary at the best of times, what are you trying to do to your poor readers Liz? Thanks for your support on the tulips, they really do please me. Have a really lovely weekend and don't watch any horror movies, love Linda x
Kylie said…
Great pic!
Despite her rosebud mouth and bright blue eyes there is certainly something sinister about Poor Margaret.

Revenge is sweet! She out-lived Pauline!
Can't wait to see her after her make-over.

p.s. I still have most of my dolls too...they are in perfect condition because I was NEVER ALLOWED to play with most of them!!!
Scarlett said…
lmao!!! Love this post, made me laugh so hard at the film poster! hahaha! Very scary :o) Scarlett x
jenann said…
Aw! Give hr bath and some new clothes and she'll look and feel a whole lot better!

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