When Do You Cut Your Nails?

My Granny always told me that it was bad luck to cut my nails on a Friday or a Sunday and I was always puzzled as to why.  I came across this little rhyme in an old book and wonder if she heard it when she was a wee girl -

Of the Cutting of Nails
Cut them on Monday, you cut them for health;
Cut them on Tuesday, you cut them for wealth;
Cut them on Wednesday, you cut them for news;
Cut them on Thursday, a pair of new shoes;
Cut them on Friday, you cut them for sorrow;
Cut them on Saturday, you'll see your true love tomorrow;

Cut them on Sunday, and you will have ill fortune all through the week.

So think about what day it is next time you cut your nails!

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said...

Wow, I have never come across that before.

Mum said...
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Paulette said...

I have never read that poem. Thanks for sharing.

Evangelines Jumble of ideas said...

Love the old poems. I've not come across this one either .

Crafty in the Med said...

I better cut mine on Tuesdays then!

Never heard of this rhyme before but it is rather neat.

Keep well

Amanda xx

CraveCute said...

That is a wonderful little rhyme! I love your blog, thank you so much for sharing this!

Claire said...

Haha! I cut them pretty frequently because of my job, so probably on every day of the week, at least I've got all basis covered haha

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