Stylish Mum

This is a picture of my Mum and Dad on honeymoon in Whitley Bay in 1953.  Aren't they a stylish couple?  Look at the lovely paisley print on Mum's dress.  (Click on pics to see in more detail.)

I was doing a bit of blog hopping at the weekend and was absolutely amazed at the number of fantastic women dressing in vintage clothes.  That made me go and look at some of Mum's photos.  She was always so particular about how she dressed and her hair was always immaculate.

This is her probably aged about 18.

Even looked stylish in her WAAF uniform.

Look how the buttons emphasise the nipped-in waist.
Mum and I didn't always get on, but she was my Mum and a brilliant Gran to my sons.  She would have like me to be more like her as far as dressing smartly and always looking "nice" - I was (and still am) a bit of a jeans and tee shirt girl and hate wearing makeup!

Unfortunately I didn't inherit her good looks or sense of style either! 
Never mind .......... at least I can ..........type?!?!

Love, Liz


She certainly looks a very stylish lady - her figure looks amazing in the suit she's wearing on the cliff top. And the honeymoon picture is lovely - the way she's leaning adoringly into your dad. Brilliant vintage sunnies too!
Scarlett said…
I love old pictures like these, they all look so fabulous and your mum is so very stylish! Im sure its not true about not inheriting her style and looks! Scarlett x
keshling said…
Love your mum's funky sunglasses in the first pic - your dad's trousers are pretty cool too!!

K xx
Little Nell said…
A stylish lady inded, and something of the model girl in her stance. A lovely set of photos.
Lovely pictures of your mum and dad, they looked great! I am sure you do too. Love your new header. Love Linda x
Kylie said…
I wouldn't say that Liz...I'm sure you've got heaps of style, just take a good look at your blog for starters! x
This is a sweet all the vintage photos and styles!
Unknown said…
Hi Liz, your Mum does look glam and stylish, I look back at pictures of my Relatives and they always look smartly dressed, I think we're lucky now as we can wear what we feel comfortable in, whereas back then, woman mostly wore skirts and dresses. Can you imagine doing the housework in a corset!! What you see in yourself is not necessarily what others see, and there are many kinds of beauty xx
Wendy said…
Yes your Mum did have good dress sense and carried it off beautifully - she was very elegant - but don't knock your own style.

That way of dressing was of a certain time - in a gentler, more innocent and calmer world and, whilst the ladies who wear vintage these days do look lovely, it isn't really what modern life is all about, is it?

I admire vintage fashion but I prefer dressing modern.
Jem said…
I'm such a lover of old family photos, I really like the honeymoon picture Liz - it's just so full of fun and the outfits are of course fab :-)

I meant to comment last time on your new blog header - it's gorgeous!

Jem xXx

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