Flying Pheasants!

When I changed my blog header a lot of people commented on the china displayed on it, so I thought I'd give it a post of its own.

Its called "The Coppice" and its by Royal Doulton.  Ssh … it’s a coffee set - don't tell anyone!  I think this pattern was produced from 1937 till the 60s, does anyone know anything else about it?

There are lovely images of pheasants in flight.  Now as anyone who has gone for a drive in the country at certain times of the year knows - pheasants are not the most intelligent birds, but they are lovely to look at.

The other side of the little cup has a lovely tree branch painted on it.

It’s an unusual set.
These, plus another couple of cups, saucers and plates were destined for the bin till someone remembered that I "liked that sort of thing" and asked me if I wanted it!  What could I say?  So, dear reader, it came to live with me.

Reminds me of another little ditty - is it poetry week or something??  You know, the one about the person who removes the feathers from pheasants, the pheasant plucker.  This is so childish, I know, but say it really fast a couple of times over! (tee hee).

Love Liz

Linking up with Terri at Artful Affirmations


Jem said…
My family home in back in Lincolnshire where I'm from is on the edge of a wood and there are pheasants everywhere - totally agree, not the sharpest birdie tools in the box but definitely beautiful and I love the detail of this pattern, it's gorgeous Liz!

Jem xXx
Snap said…
I love your pheasants ... so different and fun! Happy Tea Day!
Princesa Nadie said…
Meeting you has been a pleasure...I love your coffee set
Kylie said…
I love the branch on the little cup and the grey silhouette of pine trees too. It really is a lovely coffee set, so glad it found a new home with you. The tablecloth is very pretty too btw.
Unknown said…
Lovely painting on the cups and I do love looking at the colours of the real life pheasants bless

Love Dawn xx
Thanks for stopping by with your calm reason. I just enjoyed catching up a bit with your posts. I had visited the shortcake already. YUM! And gawked at your dresser too. Love it! I'm sure you realize many of us are springing around trying to get your "look". At least I am. Me and Ralph Lauren. I didn't know how, but I always knew I would get to Britain. I've visited London a few times now. I've been to Ireland. My kids love their Scottish heritage on Dad's side. SO I will have to get to Scotland too. Long story short, I like peeking at your blog when I can. I shouldn't be a blogger. I don't really have time for it. Visiting especially. But I do enjoy your perspective. And it's a window into your part of the planet. I think your pheasant china is wonderful! Thanks for your visit.
Fancy Vintage said…
I love your pheasant china.
I think I may have some thing of this set? It looks so familiar!
Will have to have a little look now!
Like the rhyme, really funny,
Anonymous said…
i work in a charity shop and we just been given a load of this. The coffee pot aparently rare. worth about £60. BEAUTIFUL ISNT IT!!

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