Newark Castle

Newark Castle is in Port Glasgow, near Greenock.  Built in the 15th century, it was the home of the Maxwell family.  Like most castles, it was added to and changed over the centuries.

Taken on a previous visit.
There's a working shipyard right behind it!

There's something very special about castles.  The architecture is amazing.

gun loop

The shapes and textures of the stonework are fascinating.

dovecote (or as we call it doocot)

The views from Newark's battlements are stunning.  You can see right across the Clyde.  This was obviously why it was built there - good strategic position.

step gable
It’s a wonderful place to visit, with very friendly staff.

spiral staircase

it is just possible to see the decoration and faded colour on this beam

Hope you enjoyed your little visit to Newark Castle.

Love, Liz


Jem said…
Castles really capture the imagination, don't they!? It's in such a beautiful location too!

Jem xXx
Vintage Sunday said…
I did indeed enjoy my little visit to Newark Castle ~ just wonderful ~ thank you so much! Beautiful photos! Love Brenda
Kylie said…
wonderful pics, thanks for sharing Liz.
One of my good friends is in Scotland at the moment (a Scottish girl/lass, but new Australian) she is getting married there this weekend...such a shame I was unable to go... it would've been a fantastic wedding and so much fun!
Wow, amazing! We can't wait to visit castles when we are there is September, something 100 years old is old in Australia.

Have you changed the blog? I can leave a comment now :)

Tam x
Scarlett said…
i agree there is something very magical about castles, i love looking around them, your pictures are fabulous. Scarlett x

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