Cakes and Exercise!

Here's a fun to do with cake stand handles - make a vinyl stand from old LPs, 78s and singles!  Great for a party!

I used the ordinary plain ones for this cake stand, but I think picture LPs would also look great.  This is a picture LP by Blondie - didn't they sing "Sundae Girl" (or perhaps that was Sunday Girl)!

Tried to find some that fitted with the food theme -
Breakaway by Gallagher and Lyle - well, there are Breakaway chocolate biccies!

And there's always Jack Jones singing "Bread Winners" - ideal for the sandwiches!

After all those goodies we might need some exercise, so I found this 78 - a selection of Scottish Country Dances - in strict tempo!

But my best find was this Arlene Philips exercise record!   Can't remember, but it must have been difficult doing all that exercise without the record player needle jumping!

So - here's a challenge - what LPs or singles would you have on your cake stand?

♫♫♪♪ Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles ♫♫♪♪
♫♫♪♪ American Pie - Don McLean ♫♫♪♪

Love, Liz


I love this - right up my street. You'd need some of LP bowls as well (you remould them in the oven). I am now planning a party just so I can use this idea. I don't have 'Cherry Pie' by Warrent (dodgy glam soft rockers from late 80s) honest - but that might be a good one to use. Or 'Poison' if you want to keep all the cakes to yourself ;-)
Scarlett said…
Love your LP Cake stand! You know mine would be Elvis, Johnny Cash or Dolly! Ive got my drill bit and have been putting holes in some planters so all set to finally make some cake stands :o) Scarlett x
Ugh so many typos in everything I write today. Some of *those* LP bowls, obviously.
Vintage Jane said…
what a fantastically original idea! Love it!
Little Nell said…
Don’t ‘mould' a collector’s item in the oven though; check it out on ebay first:)
♫Sugar,Sugar ♫ by the Archies
♫ Tutti-Frutti ♫ by Little Richard
Unknown said…
Something by the Chilli Peppers for me!
Hope u are ok Liz, x thanks for your comment the desiderata is lovely xx
keshling said…
Popcorn by Hot Butter
Sweets for my Sweet (can't remember who sang that)
Mouldy Old Dough by Lieutenant Pigeon (or maybe not....)!

K xxx
Now that's cool! My husband would flip for that! :-)

Vintage Sunday said…
Oh what a fantastic idea! Very clever indeed! Love Brenda
What a great idea! How funny is the last record..haha
Diane said…
Totally brilliant idea - I am off to B&M!!!! You could smash the K&W plates and make mosaics. xxxx
Love all your comments! Just thought of another song - a real oldie - "If I'd known you were coming I'd have baked a cake"! There's another one from the 80s I think "Toast" - can't remember who sang it!
Love, Liz

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