

I have had a few emails recently from lovely people who have said that they would like to leave comments on my blog, but for some reason they can't.

I've looked at my settings, etc, but can see nothing out of the ordinary and I do get comments most days, so some are getting through!
Has anyone else had this problem?

Hope someone has the answer to my blog woes!

Looks like she's saying "Do you have to blow bubbles?"

Enjoy the birdie pictures!

Love, Liz


Hi Liz, I've just become a follower of your blog. I've really enjooyed looking back at your posts. That Japanese tea cup is fabulous and I love your embroidered tray cloths. I've only managed to find one in our local CS. There just doesn't seem to be that many around at the moment. Looking forward to reading about more of your CS finds. Lesley x

PS. There does seem to be something not quite right with leaving a comment. On the first line of text or beginning of a new paragraph the text is cut in half horizontally. Not sure what the solution is I'm afraid. Once you press enter, the whole line appears normally, very strange!
Unknown said…
It's fine for me Liz...a bit of a mystery, sorry I can't help xx
Maria Andrade said…
Hi Liz!
I loved to know that you live in Scotland, a country that I've already visited and found very beautiful.
I also loved today's pictures and have already had a look at your Japanese teaset, so delicate and, with the oriental scenes, all to do with tea drinking.
Thank you for visiting my blog, leaving such nice comments.
GardenOfDaisies said…
It must be something in your settings. I don't know about yours in particular, or who is trying to leave a comment.
But in my blog, for example, I have it set to where one has to be registered in order to make a comment. (I won't accept anonymous comments.)
carol at home said…
Sometimes Blogger messes about a bit. I've visited some blogs where you have to click post comment more than once.
Hi Liz,

it only works for me if I use Safari as the browser, otherwise there is an overlay?? It's a mystery. Maybe it is something in the template?

Love the robin redbreast :)

Tam x
Many thanks for your comments and for those who emailed me because they could not leave comments. It seems that some people see a grey overlay when they view the blog and this stops them from commenting or seeing other comments. Will try to work on it over the weekend!
Catherine said…
Love your pictures and no problem to leave comment, but somebody had the same problem in Alaska for some days; Catherine
I love the robins you have in Europe! Our American Robins are totally different birds! I have never had any problems posting comments. I use Safari on Mac products.
Heidi said…
Hi Liz! How nice that you found my blog and now I can read yours too. I hope people can figure out the comments. It is normally a blogger problem on their computer. In fact, I have a blogging friend that I cannot comment on my normal google chrome but have no problems when I use firefox. They may need to try using another browser.

Hugs from Holland ~
Scarlett said…
commenting fine for me, hope you got it sorted Scarlett x

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