Tea Towel Bag

I discovered an old tea towel at the bottom of my linen cupboard yesterday - it used to hang on my kitchen wall with another similar one, in our flat when we were first married.  Decided to do something with it.  This is what I ended up with - a nice wee bag!

Found some toning fabric in my stash for lining and handles.  I haven't sewn anything as complicated (well, to me) than a straight line for many years!

back of bag

Really pleased with the way it turned out.  I'm sure I got this idea of turning a tea towel into something else from someone's blog, but can't remember who - so if it was you, please let me know and I'll link to your post.
Think it will be handy for all sorts of things, especially -

taking to meetings, and

for my knitting.  Well, it can't be worse than my present knitting bag!

Have a lovely weekend.

Love, Liz


Jem said…
Liz it looks great!! I love the handles too, it's a great size as a carry all :-)

Jem xXx
Used-to-Bees said…
The bag looks great! I've been meaning to do something similar with a 'Gibraltar' tea towel, to send to a friend who lives there - you have spurred me on to go and find it!
Kylie said…
Could it be from my blog Liz? although I did the straps differently...regardless it's a lovely little bag and special because you've had it since you were married. And yes it's a BIG improvement on that placcy bag!
I hope you have a lovely weekend too x
GardenOfDaisies said…
What a fun way to repurpose a tea towel! It will be a great conversation starter wherever you go with it!
It looks brilliant - what a great idea. And yes, definitely retire the plastic bag now!
Liz, that's a fantastic way to use a tea towel that's sat in the cupboard for years. And of course, you can never have too many bags. Lesley x
bellaboo said…
Love your tea towel bag! I turned two CK dusters into a cushion cover..well they're far too nice to use as dusters I thought! :0)
It might have been me Liz I made a St Ives bag from an old tablecloth recently and blogged about it. Love your bag I have made a few more since will have to post about them soon.
Rachael said…
What a brilliant idea and you've done a perfect job - looks like it totally could have been brought in a shop x
Scarlett said…
Looks amazing! Well done :o) Scarlett x
Great idea Liz, it looks fantastic. I has a chuckle at the old knitting bag. x
I love what you have made with your teatowel! Perfect for a work bag or a knitting/crochet bag. Might put this on my to do list. Bx
Wendy said…
Love the graphics on that tea towel - and the colours are wonderful. You did really good! :) It's great and truly in the "make do and mend" spirit. I made some bunting from tea towels recently and am collecting more tea towels at the moment to make another one. And I've seen on Etsy some cushions made from vintage tea towels - lots we can do when we put our minds to it and no need to spend our precious pennies either.
Little Nell said…
I feel a project coming on; thanks for the hint!
Lovely Liz, a great idea! Have a smashing week, love Linda x

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