Tall Ships Ahoy!

I've mentioned before that Greenock is the venue for the Tall Ships Race this year.  It is going to be taking place from 9 - 12 July and I think that it is going to be spectacular. 

This is James Watt Dock and you can see some work going on (photo taken last month) as preparations get underway for all the activities which are going to be taking place on the quayside.  These photos were taken from "The Point" a lovely bar and restaurant situated right on the waterfront.  This area was all once shipyards and heavy industry, now it has been regenerated and it is lovely to go for a walk along the river.  The dock still has some remnants of its old industrial past.

There are going to be various areas for entertainment, children's activities, bars and restaurants, a fairground, displays, - the list goes on!  Deacon Blue and Lulu are two of the music acts appearing.

Titan Crane

There will be a parade of the crews of the various vessels.  I read that there are to be about 60 ships from 10 countries, so there will be a varied assortment of people and ships. 

View downriver to Greenock Ocean Terminal
There will also be a parade of sail as they leave on the Tuesday evening which I think will be wonderful to see!  I'm lucky that I'll have a grandstand view of that from my window, but I'm sure I'll be spending some time down at the waterfront to get a closer view of the ships.

I'll no doubt find lots to blog about during those few days!  Keep your fingers crossed for some lovely weather.

Here's a link for the Tall Ships Race to find out more.

Love, Liz


Wow, what a wonderful view to have from your window! Sound like a fun-packed few days. Wishing you sunny skies, Tam x
Pene said…
I already have it marked in my diary and we'll be popping up at sometime to see all the carryin ons!!
Now all we need is abit of sun lol
Wow! I would love to attend such an event!
Little Nell said…
I may have mentioned before that I don’t travel well on the water, but I do love looking at the ocean-going vessels. Like you I have a grandstand view, but not of the docks, though we watch the ferry sailing between Lanzarote and Fuerteventura and we get some huge cruiseships going by. We toddle down to the marina to ogle the lovely boats and there’s a racer harboured here at the moment; the Telefonica entry in the Volo Round the World Race. It’s very big and impressive.
How lucky to have the event right on your sea front. Hope it's a great event!
Nick said…
It sounds briliant. The tall ships have such grace. I lived on some docks for a few years as a kid, and I loved watching the big ships come in. (When I say docks...I mean docks!) I would sit on our balcony for hours looks at the ships, that were massive, being unloaded. I loved all the wool warehouses around us and the industry. (It is only now that I realise that my upbringing wasn't the norm)

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