Pictures in Glass

I'm having a strange day today!  Can't seem to think straight or get motivated to do anything - although there are plenty of things I could be getting on with, housework etc ...!

Since its Sunday, I thought I'd show you some stained glass windows from my church.

When the light is right, the colours are wonderful!  These windows  are relatively modern.

I often imagine how magical it would have been in the middle ages, in one of the big gothic cathedrals, when the sun shone and the colours from the stained glass windows were reflected on the people inside!  Today we are so used to bright colours and pictures from our TV and computer screens as well as all the advertising around us.  It's easy to forget just how incredible those pictures and the effects of the sun through the glass would have been in older times.

Actually I still find them stunning today!

Random thought - did anyone notice the  cupcake dress Julie was wearing on Coronation Street on Friday night? 
(Sorry, UK TV programme for those of you not in this part of the world.)

Love, Liz


I love stained glass, old or modern. You're right, it really would have seemed other worldly to people from years past.
They're absolutely lovely windows. I love stained glass - I did a course a few years ago, but haven't kept it up. Abby x
Unknown said…
Just stunning. xx
Gorgeous Liz.

I still tune in to Coronation street every now and then, but I think we may be behind in episodes, so sorry missed it. My mum watched it back in the 80's so I have fond memories of it. T x
Kylie said…
they are beautiful Liz
Vintage Sunday said…
Oh Liz ~ I'm so thankful you shared these glorious windows with us ~ I'm always just so amazed at the work and creativity that goes into them ~ better than the light and colours from a tv or computer screen any day! :) Love Brenda

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