Sunny Florals

Went for a little drive today - and guess what - came across a couple of charity shops!  Can you believe that?  Here are some of today's finds -

Pretty little Royal Vale plate with yellow and blue flowers -

Two lovely sandwich plates - pretty patterns.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and "good hunting"!

Love, Liz


VintageVicki said…
Gorgeous finds :)

Have a lovely weekend xx
Scarlett said…
They are all lovely, I love it when unexpected charity shops are found ;o) Scarlett x
Hurray I can finally comment on your blog! I am having some issues with blogger giving me troubles BUT I am SO HAPPY to be here on your wonderful blog. LOVE your fantastic finds. What beautiful dishes. I REALLY LOVE those sandwich plates. They are such a fun shape.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Rachael said…
Lovely finds - very pretty xx
GardenOfDaisies said…
What beautiful china you found!! I especially love the plate with yellow primrose and bluebells.
That's what the native Americans were referring to when they called Heaven the 'Happy Hunting Grounds'! Have a lovely weekend x
Vintage Sunday said…
Just the sunny colours I needed on a gloomy wintery day here today! Such beautiful plates ~ great finds! Love Brenda (Thank you so much for your lovely comment too :))
Kylie said…
so pretty nice will they look in your "new" white cabinet???
Nelly said…
Very nice my treasure hunting has been light on this week am trying to be good.
Nick said…
They just pop out of nowhere...particulary when you are not looking for them (ha-ha...I should use LOL but it still means Lots of Love to me)
I am back able to comment...huzzah! Good finds
*Susycottage* said…
Hello Liz,
I can finally leave you a comment!
Congratulations to the dishes are delicious
and beautiful flowers.
a hug
Susy x
Unknown said…
Really pretty plates, I never seem to find anything in the charity shops now days, soooooo expensive! but there are still a few good ones around, where you can still get a bargain. Have a lovely weekend xx
Vintage Jane said…
Lovely finds. I have got withdrawal symptoms. Haven't managed to get to the charity shops or a car boot for two weeks now. Had planned to go yesterday but it poured all day so we had to do decorating instead! M x

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