Autumn Already?

If you were to visit Inverclyde and North Ayrshire at the moment, you could be forgiven for thinking that it is autumn and not the middle of June!  Look at the trees!  All these photographs were taken today.

Leaves are going brown and falling.  Actually saw a man today, brushing up fallen leaves from outside his house.

I read that it's been caused by the extremely bad winter weather and the storms which affected us during the spring.  We've had lots of high winds and excessive rainfall too.

What's worrying me is what are the poor wee birds going to live on when it really is autumn, if the trees are not going to be producing berries and fruit?

Hope mother nature has been kinder to your area.

Love, Liz


GardenOfDaisies said…
Oh that is so strange. I hope the trees recover!
Rachael said…
I'm starting to wonder where the summer has gone?! Or did it ever appear?
Scarlett said…
Mother nature is going crazy at the moment, just need to look at all these terrible natural disasters - scary stuff! Scarlett x
Trees seem ok here, although all the quinces I hoped had set for the first time on my tree seem to have disappeared, my hydrangea seems to have gone into hibernation (no flowers at all), and my rosemary and strawberries all perished. Perhaps I just have anti-green fingers!
Used-to-Bees said…
We haven't had the storms and really high winds like you, but I saw a tree just the other day that has already got beautiful golden leaves, as if it were autumn! Very strange!
Vintage Sunday said…
Oh my! Your landscapes are looking like ours here in Winter! Nice to know, though, that God always feeds His wee birds :) Love Brenda
Kylie said…
we are having the coldest, greyest, wettest, LOVELIEST day today. I love Winter and have been waiting for a day like this for ages...we went to the beach and it was wonderful!

p.s. have you seen Nick's (collecting feathers) Koala tea cosy today? you could so make that Liz x
Hi Liz,
Your pics do look like autumn. When we were in FL
they were dry and needed rain. I took a picture of some flowers and I looked down and the flower bed was full of dead leaves. They had 1 fire by the road too that had just been put out. Thanks for coming by!
Looks like strange things are happening all over the place! Lets hope we get a reasonable summer and a lovely autumn to make up for it all.

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