Granny's Display Cabinet

This is my lovely Gran beside her display cabinet which was her pride and joy.  Every now and then (if I was really good), I got to open it, empty it out and dust everything in it.  This took me ages, I was so careful not to break anything!  Perhaps this is where I got my love of old bits and pieces of china.

wish there wasn't any reflection and I could see everything again
The next picture shows my brother and I with my Gran.  Yes, for those of you with good memories, this is the same brother who broke Pauline's arm (its OK, Pauline was a doll - read the sorry saga here)!  This photo was taken in the early 60s - look at that wallpaper!

Anyway, I digress!  A few weeks ago I was rummaging in one of those charity shops which sells furniture, when I came across a lovely little cabinet which reminded me of  the one my Gran used to have.

I dithered and pondered - too long - it was gone next time I looked!  A week later the same one turned up in a different charity shop, very reasonably priced - how did that happen?!  So I dithered some more!

Argument with self -  
I could do it up.
I didn't need more furniture.
It would be beautiful if I painted it white.
Where on earth would I put it?
I could store all my china in it - all in the one place.
I don't need more furniture - I should be downsizing.

That very same day I visited the lovely Sophie's blog - Fading Grace - and guess what, she had just done a lovely make-over on a wee cabinet very similar to the one I had been looking at!

So, that was my mind made up!  Next day I bought the little cabinet, and now its all mine!!!!  Its a bit tattered and has seen better days, but come back in a few days and see what I've done with it! 
Thanks Sophie!

Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
I saw a cabinet the same as this in a CS here last week! Spooky! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it :o) Scarlett x
Unknown said…
Thanks Liz, I'm so chuffed!! I tried to leave you a message earlier but blogger wouldn't let me.... I have passed on a versatile blogger award to you if you would like it???!! Thank you for the lovely mention. And what a lovely cupboard xx
You were definitely meant for that cabinet Liz.Looking forward to seeing what magic you weave on it. Thankyou so much for your kind comments, I will do my best to behave, but I am not a good patient. Have a great weekend, hope the weather is lovely with you too. Love Linda x
Vintage Sunday said…
Dear Liz ~ as soon as I saw the first photo of your dear Gran with that beautiful cabinet, I also thought immediately of Sophie's cabinet ~ just so similar! What a treasure indeed, and I can't wait to see what you've done with it! The sweet photo of you and your brother with your Gran is just so adorable! Your Gran looks like a very sweet lady. Love Brenda
Hi Liz, the moment I saw it it reminded me of Sophie's little beauty. I am so glad that it was then when you went back, and that it will be a special reminder of your Grans cabinet.

Talking of cabinets, Master 9 placed a tiny magnet in our lock of our on Thursday, hence to say I was not very happy as it would not open. After 1/2 an hour of fiddling I seem to have fixed it, but now can't remove the key in case the magnet falls back into place and jams it again.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend and I am looking forward to seeing your makeover, Tam x
Kylie said…
I'm looking forward to seeing the cabinet's make-over too Liz. I love your Gran's wallpaper btw.
You were a very cute little girl and your brother looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth!
sandhiya said…
Hey, what a great looking Food display cabinet. Glad the challenge worked out ok for you!

Food Display Cabinets
Jane said…
I was amazed to see that this cabinet is almost identical to the one my great-aunts had in Ardgowan Square in Greenock! I loved all the things inside too and when I was older I bought a few bits of china as gifts for my aunts to go inside. One piece - a swallow in flight on a little plinth - took pride of place at the very front for years!

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