Blue and White

I  had a particularly good week charity shopping - last week!

I found this plate and thought it was lovely.  I'm really attracted to blue and white china, but don't have much of it.  So when I was thinking about  photographing this plate to show you, I had a wee wander about the house to see what else I had in blue and white which would look nice with it.

Isn't it amazing what you find?

Little blue and white cats - how sweet are those faces!

A little clog which I brought back from Amsterdam in the 70s.

Last but not least, a blue and white pottery heart.
Think I'll keep them here for a while - they look quite nice together.

Blue and white are also favourite colours in this house because they are the colours of the local football team - Greenock Morton!  Hubby and younger son are "enthusiastic" supporters! 

Morton are sponsored by Buchanan's - a local sweetie company - how good is that!  They make (amongst other things), "Millions", tiny, tasty, chewy sweets!

Love Liz


Tee hee, love the football shirt in amongst your treasures! Love Linda x
Nelly said…
What a great collection of blue and white.
Loving the blue and white combos.

Did the plate rattle at you is what I want to know!
Plate didn't rattle this time, thank goodness! Just had to show football shirt - I don't have it displayed! Draw the line there!;)
Kylie said…
Hi Liz, love all your blue and white "bits"
I've got clogs on my blog today too, not as pretty as yours though.
Liz, I've been meaning and meaning to ask, but keep forgetting: where do you get the metal pieces that go in the middle of your plate stands?
Very pretty collection!
What a lovely old plate. It looks like Delft. Summer is such a nice time to display blues. I like seeing your little gathering!
You did score well "charity" shopping! I haven't gone since the kids have been out of school. I will have to get out in the next few days it would be fun. I love all your blue and white finds! I would have grabbed them up too.
My Grandfather was from Scotland he was a McKenzie. Mom and I love the Outlander series by Gabaldon. Wish they would make that into a mini-series. They couldn't tear women away from their TV's if they did.
Scarlett said…
Blue and white always looks lovely, i esp like your little heart :o) Scarlett x
Sherry - I love the Outlander series - I wish they would make it into a TV prog as well! Only problem would be casting Jamie - I think every woman who has read the book has their own idea of who this should be!
Pomona said…
I have always loved blue and white china - you have some very pretty things!

Pomona x
Little Nell said…
I used to have a collection of Blue and White china and being a cross- stitcher I also made some pics of them. There are several books and patterns out there and they complement the real thing nicely.
Wonderful blue and white treasures, I too collect them, blue and white is my kitchen colors....and my maiden name is Morton,,,and I have some scottish in my family, lovely blog!

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