Lazy Day - Just Reading!

I have just finished reading A Whispered Name by William Brodrick - it is a fantastic book. 

It is the story of a monk, Father Anselm who meets a woman and an old man in a cemetery and is intrigued by the bits and pieces of the story they tell.  This leads him to investigate the life of an Irish soldier charged with desertion during World War I.  It is part detective story, as Anselm researches the history of the main characters, and part war story as we are taken back to the battlefields of WWI.  But it is so much more than that and reaches into the minds of the men fighting and facing almost certain death during the appalling daily carnage in Flanders.  The story unfolds slowly and I couldn't wait to find out what happened.  Terrific storytelling!

I woke up with a terrible cold and a sore throat this morning, so spent a few hours lounging on the couch surrounded by tissues - finishing off this book - it really is good.

Going to spend some more time catching up with magazines which I haven't got round to reading yet.  What a lazy day!

When I feel better ... well, I've got a new project!  Can you tell what it is?

Love, Liz


Jem said…
I'm quite fan of any war-time based literature so I'll pop A Whispered Name onto my 'look for' list :-)

Anxiously awaiting my copy of Molly Makes to arrive - hoping it comes really soon!

Is it a dressing table??! Or a desk?

Jem xXx
Scarlett said…
Sorry to hear your ill, hope you get better soon, keep you feet up and enjoy the reading! Scarlett x
I hope you feel better soon. Get plenty of rest, a lazy day will do you good.

Interesting dressing table?? can't wait to see what you do when you are better, Tam x
I tried to leave a comment on your blog yesterday but blogger keeps sending me round in circles logging in and never gets anywhere so I'm having another go today.
Loved the china story! My partner's groaning already as tomorrow is my day off and the day I do my chazzer dash. I never come home empty handed!
Am also enjoying Mollie Makes and am intrigued by your pile!?! Will have to check back and see what it turns into.
thanks for the comment you left on my blog. Those lloyd Loom prams are fab aren't they!
get well soon
Vintage Sunday said…
Do hope you'll be feeling better soon, Liz ~ good that you're able to rest a bit, and what better way to enjoy those wonderful magazines! Looking forward to seeing your dressing table? soon! :) Love Brenda
Nelly said…
Hope you get better fast Id love to see a Mollys Make bet I find one at an oppy eventually.
Looks like you will be busy doing up a dresser soon?
Kylie said…
Nothing nicer than a lazy day spent with your nose in a good book...I hope you feel better soon Liz and that must be a dressing table! Can't wait to see what you do with it after your cabinet transformation.
Most of you got it right - its a dressing table! Hope to get on with it over the weekend.
keshling said…
I love to read and this book sounds really interesting - I'll have to keep an eye out for it. Then I can add it to my 'to be read' pile. With the other 300+. I never can resist a book :)!

K xx

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