Bringing Up Baby

Isn't this a beautiful illustration?

Click on pic to see more detail
It comes from a little booklet from the 50s called - "The New Baby", produced by the Church of Scotland and probably given to parents at the baby's baptism.

It is full of advice - not sure if there were different versions for baby boys and baby girls.  But this one assumes that every baby is male (I think that was quite a common thing in those days - male being normal (!?!)and female being ..... !).

I think this is the cutest little baby picture - seems that the inside illustrations are from "The Nursery Cookery Book" by Mrs K Jameson.

So, great advice and well needed, because, as it says in this ad from the 50s - we wouldn't want baby turning into a Two Spoon Pete!

Have a great weekend!

Love, Liz

Is it my imagination or is blogland very quiet just now?


Vintage Sunday said…
You are so right ~ those illustrations are indeed absolutely beautiful! Both my husband (Peter!) and I laughed at the baby food advert.! Hope you have a lovely weekend. Love Brenda
Used-to-Bees said…
Sshhh! Everyone is asleep I think!
Yes, I agree - it's awful quiet round here lately!
What lovely illustrations, and I like the advice too. I've updated my Mozilla and now I can see your blog properly and comment!
Brilliant - both mine were 'two-spoon Petes', the little porkers! Not sure how they'd have felt about groats though...doesn't sound all together appetising.
Little Nell said…
LIke so many of these advice booklets, the intervening years will have seen several changes and u-turns on the thinking therein. If he cries he wants something; he’s a baby after all. Plenty of time when he really is a grown man to learn to say ‘No' to himself :)
blog land is fairly quiet...but still intriguing

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