Cornish Tea

Isn't this one of the loveliest little teapots that you have ever seen?

I just love looking at it!  Everything about it is so pleasing - its shape, the decoration - just beautiful.

Lovely forget-me-nots tied up with pink ribbon.

The amazing thing is that I almost didn't buy it!  I spied it in a local charity shop - price £2.  I decided that I didn't really want it, what did I need another teapot for?  BUT (and I'm sure some of you will know this feeling!) I couldn't stop thinking about it!  So first thing next morning I rushed down to shop, and thankfully it was still there!  Phew!  I was so pleased!  Its probably one of my favourite charity shop buys.

Even the maker's mark is interesting!  Made in Goonhavern in Cornwall, but I have no idea when.  The mark shows a fisherman and miner on either side of the Cornish crest - a shield with waves and round things.  These are supposed to be the 15 gold coins paid in ransom for the Duke of Cornwall during the Crusades.  There are two flags on top - the Cornish flag as well as the Union Flag.  The Visit Cornwall site has good for information about the area.

even the lid is lovely
Hope you've enjoyed my little story about this teapot.

Love, Liz

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Vintage Sunday said…
Indeed it is dear Liz! So amazingly beautiful ~ it clearly was meant just for you, and how wonderful that it has found such a loving home, and we can enjoy it too! Forget-me-nots would have to be one of the sweetest little flowers wouldn't they?! So cheery. It has a wonderful shape too. Thank you so much for letting us enjoy your wonderful find too! Love Brenda
Scarlett said…
Its fabulous, I love the handle! Glad you went back for it. Scarlett x
Ava said…
Forget-me-nots would have to be my favourite flowers... they used to spring up under the apple trees in my childhood backyard :) I haven't thought about them in years . Your teapot brought back lovely memories for me :) Thankyou xx
Kylie said…
a little heart for a handle, too sweet.
even though I don't know you "properly" Liz I think it is the perfect teapot for you and your home x
Rachael said…
That is indeed one of the most prettiest tea pots i've ever seen - so pretty with the forget me nots. Its such a buzz when you return for something and it's still there waiting for you - very much like it's meant to be yours!
Little Nell said…
Those flowers are very reminiscent of the ones used to decorate old-style greeting cards. Very pretty. I think the maker’s mark is delightful.
orchid0324 said…
Thank you SO much for stopping by to my blog. I really appreciate your kind comment.
Oh, GOd. I need to know more about your country. I know the phrase "one for all".

Well, my name is Yamada Miyaka(山田 都)second name.first name order
"forget me not, 都わすれ" happens to have my name on it. Haha, never mind about the explanation. I wanted to say I loved your post.
I hope you don't mind my following you. I'll catch up reading your previous post and wish to know about your culture more♪♪♪

Sincerely, Orchid.
Unknown said…
This is so pretty...just so pretty. It makes me inspired to make a cupcake with it's design. I adore those flowers tied with that delicate pink bow. Lovely photos. So glad you linked up for Tea Party Tuesday.
Snap said…
Your forget-me-not teapot wouldn't let you forget it! It knew it should live with you! Great find. It is just full of little surprises. Flowers on the handle. I love it!!! Happy Tea Day!
You'll have to stop this procrastinating Liz! Imagine if it was gone. It's really lovely and such a bargain. Have a lovely day, Linda x
Terri said…
Oh Liz! What a fabulous tea pot for sure! What a fab price too! I love the pattern, the designs, the shape and the lid handle too. So glad you went back for it!
Hi Liz,
What an adorable teapot! I love the sweet forget-me-nots on it; so pretty! It's a cute shape too. I love to collect teapots. Your blog name grabbed my attention because I am serving Lemon ginger tea and shortbread for tea today. If you wish, you are more then welcome to join me for tea too. Have a lovely week.

Wanda Lee said…
Hello there dear Liz,

What a charmingly pretty teapot indeed!.., I love the soft colors, and the delightfully dainty pattern also. What a fabulous find!

Thanks for joining me for TTTT and also for my 86th 'Tuesday Tea For Two'; I always so enjoy having you join us as part of, 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland' and look forward to having you join us again!

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
Nelly said…
Its gorgeous and wernt you lucky it was stil there?
Looks like I'm going to have to stop this "dithering". Next time I see something I like - I'm just going for it!

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