Sailing Doon the Clyde

These are the distinctive red, black and white funnels of the Waverley - the last sea going paddle steamer in the world.  She was docked at Custom House Quay in Greenock recently and I was able to get some photos.

She's a regular sight on the River Clyde in summer.  For the last few years she has been cruising from Glasgow "doon the watter" to Greenock and Largs and then across to Dunoon and lots of other local destinations.

Waverley cruises are always full - not just with those who like to know all the technical details and tourists - but with many ordinary Scots, reliving their childhood memories of summer day trips and holidays.

She was named after Sir Walter Scott's first novel.

Waverley seems to be having a few technical problems at the moment, but I hope it won't be long till I see her paddling up and down the Clyde again - a truly majestic sight!

Love, Liz

I'm linking up with Its A Very Cherry World for Rednesday.


Vintage Sunday said…
What a magnificent vessel ~ and what a treat it would be to see her paddling by! Thank you so much for sharing these lovely photos with us! Love Brenda
Pene said…
She is lovely, we're booked for a trip from Largs down round Ailsa Craig on her in July and I'm so looking forward to it.
Jem said…
I've never actually seen a paddle steamer other than in the odd black and white film - it's nice to see a real one - have you ever been on board? There's something special about boats!

Jem xXx
I've not been on board Waverley - but I remember being on a paddle steamer when I was young.
Pene - enjoy your trip - hope the weather is kind to you.
Scarlett said…
She looks beautiful, would love to have a trip down the river aboard such a gem! Scarlett x
Kylie said…
wonderful pics as usual Liz and another really interesting post x
Moogie said…
Lovely photos! My husband would absolutely love this ship.
Little Nell said…
I don’t travel well on the sea but I love looking at the boats, especially old beauties like this one. You’ve got some great photos there.
What a beautiful ship. LG Tina
Used-to-Bees said…
Hi Liz!

I've managed to nab my husband's laptop, on which I can finally make a comment! Lovely pictures of an impressive and nostalgia inspiring boat...
I am also stopping by to say that I'd like to pass on a 'Versatile Blogger' Award to you - I always so enjoy your posts, even when I can't comment!
Thanks for the happy reading times and hope that you will enjoy passing on the award (but if these things are not your cup of tea,I won't be offended!)
Alix x
Alix - thanks so much! Really appreciate it.

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