Today - I See All!

Had a great morning - met a friend for coffee, then a trawl round the charity shops.  Came away with a couple of great finds.


This encyclopaedia dates from the late 1920s and is full of information on just about everything.  It is called "I See All - The World's First Picture Encyclopedia" and is crammed full of the most amazing illustrations and photographs.  This is volume 5.

There's a world map at the back, and some colour plates.

Most of the pictures are in black and white.

Love it! 

I tell you about my other finds later in the week.

Love, Liz


Jem said…
What a great find!! Perfect book to flick through with a cup of tea! :-)

Jem xXx
That book looks just right up my street. Good find.
Scarlett said…
I love it too! Scarlett x
Vintage Jane said…
I can while away several hours devouring a book like that. Great find! M x
Little Nell said…
And to think we used to throw these encylopaedias away when the ‘facts’ were superceded. All those little detailed colour pictures - what a joy!
How lovely, bet that's a great read on a rainy day like today x
Vintage Sunday said…
And we love it too! Such a fabulous old book and lovely illustrations! Love Brenda
Don't you just love old books and their illustrations, especially the toys. Love the Felix the cat.
keshling said…
That looks like Albert Einstein with his private secretary!!

K xx

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