My New Cabinet

My new china cabinet -

I just love it!

The key was very utilitarian, obviously the original had been lost and a wee plain one substituted.  Needed a little something!

Here it is in its original form.  I know some folks think that its best to leave things as they are, but it really was quite grotty!  The fabric inside was stained and smelly (cigarette smoke).  Replaced it with a piece of yellow fabric.

Hubby did all the taking apart and sanding (he's a gem).

Used one and a half of these little tester pots from Wilkinson's - Moonlight White - gives a lovely chalky finish and they are just over £1 each!

I am absolutely delighted with the finished result!

Love, Liz


Jem said…
You've done a gorgeous job of transforming it, Liz! It's such a gorgeous shape and is a beautiful place to show off your lovely finds! I think the detail on the glass looks lovely now the cabinet is white and you've set the whole thing off so nicely with the vase of flowers and the mirror above!

Thank you for the tip on the testerpots fom Wilko - I will keep an eye out for those :-)

Jem xXx
Oh Liz, it looks fantastic!!! It is so bright and fresh. I also love the little mirror above and flowers are so pretty. Tam x
Kylie said…
no wonder you love it looks lovely Liz.
who would've thought something so gorgeous was hiding behind that shabby, boring, old cupboard!
You've certainly given it a new lease on life...and it looks so pretty with all your treasures inside x
Well done Liz, your cabinet looks really pretty, love the mirror and flowers above it too! Happy monday, love Linda x
Scarlett said…
Oh Liz it looks amazing!!! Well done, im now eyeing up all your beautiful china :o) Scarlett x
Unknown said…
Hi Liz...Your cupboard looks fantastic!!! well done, and so much better than before, looks wonderful with all your pretty china, I love it xx
Looks really good now - what an improvement - well done!! Sets your china off beautifully. Abby x
Wow, I love it too - and the china - and the mirror - and the flowers in the vase. All lovely!
Vintage Sunday said…
Oh Dear Liz ~ your cabinet looks absolutely wonderful! So perfect for displaying your delightful china; and I love what you did with the key ~ so clever! The mirror and flowers just set it off so perfectly! Such a great job, and thank you for letting us enjoy it too! Love Brenda
What a lovely job! It's stunning.
keshling said…
Liz, just catching up on the blogs that I missed whilst on holiday. I love your cabinet and its contents. Much as I'd like one myself, and indeed saw one at an auction a couple weeks back, I think a china cabinet might be a step too far for my OH!

K xx
Oh, I love it! Much better in that fresh white color. And I love the way you've displayed your pretty dishes in it! :-)

Anonymous said…
its very attractive....i like modern food display cabinet designs.....i want same design in my home all so thanks for sharing... Amazing!

Food Display Cabinets
Heloise said…
What can I say, Awesome!!! everything mirror, cabinet and your loverly chine


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