Red and White Cakestand

Made another cake stand to give to a friend for her birthday.  Hope she likes it!

Well, ….. when I say made ….. I actually mean that hubby did the drilling!  But the artistic input was mine (well, I've got to have some responsibility, haven't I?)!!!

The plates are from Tesco, but I thought they looked quite striking when put together.

Might make another for myself!

Love, Liz


Kylie said…
Love your cake stand Liz...what a lovely present. It looks more like Marimekko than Tesco! Just gorgeous.
Vintage Gal said…
Love your cake stand. Wow beautiful colour ;-)
Used-to-Bees said…
The cake stand is great! Don't blame you getting your husband to do the drilling - I'd be expecting a loud crack if I did it!

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