Tray Cloths

Bought these two lovely embroidered tray cloths in a charity shop recently.

One is destined for a little table in the spare bedroom.

The other - well, I'm actually going to use it on a tray. 

Think it will look very pretty with a vintage cup and saucer sitting on it. 

Time for tea ….. again!

Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
I love tray cloths - you can never have too many, these are real beauts that you found :o) Scarlett x
Vintage Jane said…
It's so good that old linens are being used again and that the work that went into them is once again being appreciated. Marina (Jane) x
Unknown said…
They are so pretty...all that time taken to sew, really pleased your putting them to good use xx
Nick said…
I have rediscovered embroidered doilies...some of them are amazing in their execution. Love your cake stand as well...all perfect for a Royal Wedding tea party!
Kylie said…
Lovely Liz, I especially like the brighter colours in the first one, they are both pretty though. Are you having a special tea party tomorrow?
GardenOfDaisies said…
They are both so pretty! I LOVE embroidered linens.

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