Let them eat - ... soap?!

When you are trying hard not to eat cake, it really is necessary to find something else to put on a cake stand to pretty it up.  So I found these little soapy bath thingies and don’t they look cute?  The pretty floral boxed soaps are from Marks & Spencer.

The cake stand was made from the bits and pieces of a tea set that I found in a charity shop.  Its a lovely gold and lemon pattern – very pretty and delicate.  Hubby helped again.

Made in England by Balfour.

I still have two cups and saucers, so can invite a friend to tea.

I’ll have real cakes, though!  Don’t think there are as many calories in them when you buy them for friends – are there?

Time to get the kettle on!

Love, Liz

I’m linking up with -


Gorgeous Liz!

P.s....is working well on the iPad :) Tam x
Kylie said…
I love you your latest cake stand Liz...that lemon colour is gorgeous.
Sarah said…
Love the cups, they are so delicate!
That's beautiful, I've always fancied trying to make one but not been sure where to start. There's the drilling for one thing, and where to you buy the fixings/pole thingie?

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Unknown said…
It looks good enough to eat! I really love the cake stand xx
Vintage Gal said…
That is just the sweetest thing. Love that cake plate ~ the yellows are sooo soothing ;-)
What pretty soaps! The trouble is when soaps are that pretty, I don't want to use them! I'm loving the way you're making your own cake stands... very clever!

Terri said…
Your dessert stand is lovely, especially with the pretty no calorie "desserts" you have on it!
The Balfour tea cups and saucers are really pretty with the yellow and gold! Very vintage as well! What a beautiful tea setting they make.
Snap said…
The stand is wonderful and the cups lovely. I love the roses on the white and the gold and yellow accent. happy tea day!
Scarlett said…
What an amazing idea for using a cake stand for soaps and smellies - you know what I might just pinch this idea and use a cake stand in my bathroom! Your cake stands and tea cups are fabulous :o) Scarlett x
Unknown said…
what a lovely cup, the gold and yellow are very pretty. I bet that soap smells better than sweets!
keshling said…
Really lovely! Like Lakota, I'm wondering where you have been getting your metal post-thingies from? Do you cannibalise old cake stands or is there a metal post-thingie supplier somewhere out there lol!

K xxx
Fábio Carvalho said…
Wow! What a gorgeous teacup! love the yellow with the gold!! Such a beauty!
Hi Liz,

This is so cute. I love the idea of using your cakestand to display these adorable soaps. They look good enough to eat :) I am also in love with these vintage cups and saucers. The yellow color is so lovely.
Love the china pattern and the unique manner in which you are using your pieces!! Very pretty!
Vintage Jane said…
Totally fab idea!
Anonymous said…
Love your cake stand... and those soapy fairy cakes are gorgeous. Great fotos!!

I tried leaving a comment on your last post, but blogger wouldn't let me for some reason... those tray cloths you bought are beautiful! I just love going to charity shops!
Thanks to all you lovely people for your kind comments. I got the cake stand "middles" from ebay - can't remember the supplier's name, but they are easy to find.

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