Lemon Tea

Isn't this just a beautiful colour for spring?

I got this Royal Winton set along with the green teacup which I wrote about previously.

It has a beautiful flower incorporated into the handle.

The saucer has no decoration, but there’s room for a biscuit!

Great for a lovely cup of lemon tea.

Love, Liz

I’m linking up with -


Jem said…
I love the old snack sets - the shape is so practical, tea and cake all round!!

Jem xXx
Snap said…
I love the yellow. It says SPRING. The cup is wonderful with its rosebud handle and I love your linens. happy tea day!
GardenOfDaisies said…
What a pretty yellow teacup and snacking plate. I agree, it's perfect for lemon tea!
What a delightful tea cup!
Loved the rosebud handle. Gorgeous!
Thank you for sharing.
best wishes
Wanda Lee said…
Hello there lovely lady,

Oh my!..,

I just simply adore that soft yellow Royal Winton teacup and saucer with the dear litttle rosebud handle for sandwiches and little tea treats!

~ Everything is just so picture perfect the way in which you have so lovingly and artistically arranged this little treasure..,

The tablecloth with the embroidery and the photo as a piece of artwork are also stunning!

Thanks so much for sharing this pretty teacup with all of us..,

Thanks also for joining Pam and I once again for TTTT and also for my 77th, Tuesday Tea For Two. ~ We always love having you join us!

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
Catherine said…
Nice colour and nice tea cup. Love your pictures on Edinburgh and your guides book. I loved the uniforms they used to wear. Nice flowers pictures too. I wish you a good day, Catherine
Hi: I remember this beautiful tea cup. It is unforgetable! Thank you for sharing it again. I need to look for one just like this. It is a pleasure having you part of Tea Cup Tuesday. Blessings, Martha

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