Chip-eating Viking!

Had a wee trip to Largs recently.  It’s as near as we get to a seaside town hereabouts!

Claim to fame - Battle of Largs (Scots v Vikings) 1263.  Hope they enjoyed their chips!

There's a sort of prom!

You can get the ferry to Millport, a wee island, hire a bike there and cycle round the island.

One of the best attractions is Nardini's Café - lovely art deco building and interior (recently modernised, but kept art deco feel).  Good ice cream.

Moorings building - architecture to resemble front (bow?)of a ship - seagulls included!

Not the best of days weatherwise, but a nice wee visit!

Love, Liz


I love the art deco cafe bet the ice cream is good too. I lived in Elgin for a little while and loved going to the coast for an ice cream there seemed to be lots of great Italian ice cream shops for some reason. One of my favourite ones was at Cullen near a lovely coffee shop. Happy Days.
Scarlett said…
The Cafe looks amazing! Would love to go there. Scarlett x
Jem said…
Oh wow, the Art Deco cafe building is just stunning!

Jem xXx
Kylie said…
Thanks for the little tour around the deco cafe and the rusty old kiosk on the beach front.
Vintage Jane said…
Just love the deco architecture in some of our seaside towns and particularly love the beautiful old deco cinemas, that are sadly fast disappearing.
Vintage Sunday said…
What a lovely day out you had ~ thank you for sharing it with us! That cafe is just beautiful ~ could well imagine it as a location for the filming of a Poirot episode! Love Brenda
keshling said…
I think I read that there were a lot of Italian POWs in Scotland and some stayed behind, hence the high number of Italian ice-creameries there. And, is that the Nardini's whose relation Daniella was in the TV show 'This Life'?
Love your photos!

K xxx

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