Something Strange in a Charity Shop!

Went shopping in Glasgow yesterday, had a really nice day.  Discovered something strange in a charity shop
- a sofa (which I thought was for sale, till I noticed that it looked brand new) and right beside it was a hot drinks machine!  Has anyone else come across this in a charity shop?  Perhaps it was because it was a city centre charity shop.  Didn't have my camera with me to record the facilities, but was quite surprised! 
Not sure I'd want to sit and relax there though!

This is my latest tea cosy!

Love, Liz


Jem said…
Liz do you sell your cosies anywhere like Folksy? I might get in touch to commission one some time in July! :-)

Brand spanking new sofa AND coffee machine? I've come across sofas but refreshments too? It's like your charity shop is in another dimension! Lovely though!

Jem xXx
Cute cosy! They don't have such lavish facilities in charity shops in Ireland, perhaps they should? Thankyou so much for your lovely comments. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, love Linda x
No, no coffee machine in any near me. An old lady watching you suspiciously over a chipped mug of PG is as close as it gets!
Vintage Jane said…
Cute tea cosy ... would make a lovely hat too!!
Hi: Love your new tea cozy. Thank you for sharing it with us. My friend Donna at is trying to get hold of you. Please send her an email if you have time. She can not get through. Thanks, Martha

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