Allsorts of Tea Cosies!

Does this remind you of something?

It reminded me of …

Liquorice Allsorts!

So, of course, in the interest of making a beautiful picture, I went out and bought some - purely for artistic reasons!

These are my two recent finished tea cosies.

And here's a sneak peek at a work in progress.

Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
These are so fab - Im always keeping my eyes open on my thrifty outings for a knitted tea cosy :o) Scarlett x
GardenOfDaisies said…
OH it really DOES look like those little licorice candies!!! LOVE it!
carol at home said…
They are gorgeous! Hope you enjoyed the allsorts
Kylie said…
Hi Liz

I love your tea cosies they look good enough to eat!

Thank you for your nice comment on my blog, its led me to yours which is just lovely.

Kylie x
Anonymous said…
I love your tea cozys. They are so cute.Are they popular where you live?
Hi - thanks for all your comments. Yes, tea cosies are quite popular here - keeps the pot nice and warm for those second cups!
Karen S Booth said…
O-M-G! I have total tea cosy envy, I LOVE them and collect them, I have lots but none as nice as your allsorts one, it is brilliant!
Karen @ Lavender and Lovage
Unknown said…
I like the colors and pompoms. Very lovely. And here my blog.
I would bbe glad if you visit me :)
They look fab! Absolutely fab! CHrista

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