A Lovely Surprise

I was feeling a bit down in the dumps today and just wondering what to blog about when Hubby came in and said that there was a package for me.  Couldn’t remember ordering anything, so was a bit surprised!

Then I was absolutely delighted!  It was from Scarlett!  If you’ve not already visited her blog – Scarlett Loves Elvis – then you must do so immediately!  It is such fun – like many of us, she loves charity shops and always seems to find a bargain.  Her adventures are great to read!

Anyway – look what she sent me in thanks for the “Blighty Tea Cosy” I knit for her!

Lots of tea and cake goodies!  Perfect!  Love everything – purse and tissues going straight into my handbag.  My favourite is the little teapot strainer.  Scarlett – how did you know – I’ve always wanted one of those.  I’m going to go out tomorrow and get some loose tea to go in it. 

Scarlett, thank you once again – you have made my day and  brought me out of a rather “down” mood!

Remember and visit Scarlett’s blog.

Love, Liz


Jem said…
There's nothing so cheering as goodies wrapped in tissue paper! ;-) What a lovely package!

Jem xXx
Used-to-Bees said…
How lovely! Sometimes these things happen just when we most need them (Mothering Sunday was like that for me if you remember). The little teapot is adorable - just like the other goodies! Enjoy them - you deserve it!
Scarlett said…
Aww Liz, glad you liked them - also very spooky that you have been on the look out for a little tea strainer! Pleased to have cheered you up :o) Thanks for the blog links too! Scarlett x
She's a good sort is Scarlett, but I'm not surprised she wanted to send you something nice - that tea-cosy was fantastic! My postman brought me a couple of magazines - Red and Homes & Antiques - I was a magazine addict, but these days I'm doing all my mag type reading in blogland instead...
Kylie said…
I'm glad Scarlett's sweet gift cheered you up Liz x
LiLi M. said…
Thanks for commenting on my blog. You received some lovely presents, Scarlett must be a sweet person!
Pearl Maple said…
That is a delightful surprise and that tiny tea strainer is the cutes thing
Catherine said…
Very nice gifts!I watch the Royal wedding yesterday and i found it beautiful.

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