The Singing Duck!

I found this sheet music in my favourite second hand book shop recently - it made me smile!

The cover graphics are really bright and fun!
The song is about a little lovelorn duckling.  Think it is from the 40s.

Here's another nice spring scene - a little lamb …. aw.  So what are you having for lunch tomorrow?  (Only kidding!)

Have a fun weekend!

Love, Liz


Kylie said…
Not lamb that's for sure! ha-ha
Actually I love lamb really.. much much more than beef which is my husband's favourite.

I still remember singing five little ducks when I was in kindergarten but I'm sure it wasn't as cute as your quack quack song ( got to love that!)

I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow Liz x
Scarlett said…
Great find liz, love the artwork on the front :o) Aww at the lamb, we're not having lamb tomorrow so I dont feel so guilty looking at the little un although the pigs should be worried ;o) Scarlett x
Happy Easter, Liz! What a cute piece of sheet music, and what an adorable lamb. I could nevet eat him! :-)


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