Wasteland Beauty

While out and about yesterday, I was stopped in my tracks by this fantastic scene!

On a piece of waste ground stood the remains of what once must have been a beautiful fireplace.

Look at the wonderful green tiles.

My imagination went into overdrive - who once lovingly lit cosy fires there?
Who hung their Christmas stockings on it in childish anticipation?
Who warmed their chilled fingers at its flickering flames?

I'll never know, but I find the scene quite hauntingly beautiful.

In a few weeks time it will be invisible for a wee while - the ivy will cover and protect its secret for another short time.

I'm so glad I had my camera with me to capture the moment. 

How suitable for Sunday!

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
What a beautiful old fireplace, I'm wondering what's on the other side of the wall? x
I think, if I remember correctly, there was a garden and some other old buildings on the other side. Must go back and get another pic later in the summer!
Scarlett said…
wow great photos, thanks for sharing Scarlett x
Kylie said…
beautiful photos...beautiful post Liz.
Betty said…
Yes, quite appropriate for Sunday, I'd say... the image of a cross where the tiles have broken away is very prominent. As I looked at your photos, I couldn't help thinking back to the subject of the sermon at church service this morning which was raising Lazarus from the tomb and how these ancient buriel tombs are many times depicted as vine covered stone walls. Lovely photos, Thanks for sharing! Hugs,

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