Who Is He?

So, I found this old knitting pattern from a 1967 edition of Woman magazine and was having a look through when I came across this famous face - do you recognise her - I'm sure its Twiggy!

This guy looks familiar too, but I can't think what his name is!

Was he a DJ or singer?

Hope somebody recognises him!

Last week I was away "down south" for a wee break.  Had a wonderful time and of course was full of good intentions about blogging.  Needless to say I failed miserably!  Now I'm looking forward to catching up with all your blogs and find out what I've missed this week!

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
I'm not sure who he is ...but he is a bit scary!!!!! Glad you had a lovely hols x
Betty said…
It appears to be Justin de Villeneuve, father of Poppy and Daisy. Justin, an ex-hairdresser '60s fashion photographer, discovered, managed, dated, and photographed Twiggy.

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