Little Orphan Teacups

I found these three little teacups all alone and looking rather sad and grubby on a charity shop shelf - with no saucers or side plates.  Of course they had to come home with me!

Aren’t they pretty?

Once they had been washed, they showed off their pastel  colours!

Pretty shape!  Made by Royal Standard in England.

And the icing on the cake (or the sugar in the tea!) ..... look at the lovely floral pattern on the inside.

Each one different to match the colour of the cup.

I love them!

Love, Liz

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Vintage Gal said…
What sweet little tea cups ~ precious find~! Have a great day ;-)
Kylie said…
They are lovely Liz, really lovely x
Jem said…
Oh Liz!! Those are absolutely gorgeous, what pretty finds, even without the saucers etc! They'll look fabulous on display :-)

Jem xXx
Scarlett said…
they are so pretty - i would have rescued them too :o) Scarlett x
GardenOfDaisies said…
The teacups are so pretty. I like the little flower inside each one. And I LOVE your embroidered tablecloth.
Bookie said…
Very unusual cups...yes, the flowers inside are sweet too. Looks like they found a good home!
They are really pretty - I have that embroidered tablecloth in my collection. Pretty, pretty.
Fábio Carvalho said…
You really did the right thing buying them! They are the most cute and adorable.
Unknown said…
They are gorgious! I love the details inside and the pastel colors are perfect. What a great set of orphans you have there :)
Annie said…
I love them too, exactly my sort of colours.
Ann x
Unknown said…
Hi! Your teacups are pretty! The delicate embroidered tea towel really sets it off. Sunny109
Terri said…
Hello Liz! You don't know how glad I am to be able to visit your site. I have been blocked from it for months and months and only just now figured out how to fix the problem. hubby simple said "why not try another browser?" (I use firefox, so I tried Internet Explorer) And low and behold I am able to post! Yay! I appoligize for not figuring this out sooner. I also have finaly been able to "Follow" you!
Your three new tea cups are very lovely. I would have brought them home too. They look like Easter colors to me.
Hi Liz: I would have picked them up too. A lot of times I find the saucers a few days later at the same thrift store. They are beautiful. Blessings, Martha
Tara said…
I love them too! What a wonderful find!!
parTea lady said…
Your teacups are lovely - such great colors - and the embroidered cloth is pretty too.
Debra said…
I love your cups- such beautiful colors. I am visiting your blog for the first time and love it. I lived in Scotland when I was younger for a few years. We lived in Dunoon - not sure where that is compared to where you live. I really liked living there. I am now following you. :)

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