Teacup from Aberdeen

This little trio bears the coat of arms and motto of the Scottish city of Aberdeen.

Aberdeen - the granite city, is situated on the north east coast of Scotland and is also known as the oil capital of Europe. 

Aberdeen's motto is "Bon Accord", French for "Good Agreement" and is supposed to date from the fourteenth century. It is connected with Robert the Bruce and the Wars of Scottish Independence.

The animals on the coat of arms are leopards - supposedly given by James I to the city.  Here's a link to find out more about Aberdeen's history.

I just really like this because it is so unlike most other cups.  I believe that there are similar trios for many towns in Scotland.

Hope you like it too!

Love, Liz

I'm linking to Martha's Favourites


Scarlett said…
Lovely little cup :o) Scarlett x
Jem said…
I've never seen one of these before - what a lovely way to remember history - through teacups!

Jem xXx
Very classy tea cup you have there!
Would love to visit Scotland someday! Very nice teacup you have shared! Happy Spring to you.

Wanda Lee said…
I love tartan, shortbread and lovely teacups; all three!.., So lovely! It is especially meaninglful when there is also historical reference!

Thanks for joining Pam and I for TTTT and also for my 75th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two'!

Chers and hugs from Wanda Lee
50 and counting said…
My birth town!

Up the road from me is a town called Bon Accord. Supposed to have been settled by Scots but seeing as the main settlements around here were Ukranian, it's probably just legend.

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