Seeing Stars

I found this lovely little teaset in a charity shop recently.  I was really taken by the white and gold design.

The thin gold lines make a triangular pattern which makes the outline of a star shape.  This is echoed by the circle of stars around it.

The central scrolly pattern is not just on the saucer and side plate, but also inside the cup.

The markings don’t give much away, but if anyone knows anything about this little set I would love to know more.

I really love this pattern – would look wonderful on a Christmas table.

Love, Liz

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Used-to-Bees said…
Very sweet! As you say, great to bring out at Christmas - good excuse for a tea party!
Scarlett said…
aww its lovely - anything with stars on is a winner :o) Scarlett x
Jem said…
Oh Liz, I love the stars!! So beautiful!! What a lovely thing to find in a charity shop :-)

Jem xXx
Bookie said…
This cup and saucer have a regal look....would be fun to decorate a table with metallics and these dishes.
Unknown said…
What a fabulous find. I love the stars and the center emblem almost looks like a snowflake. There are so many uses for this.

xinex said…
It really is a very beautiful pattern, Liz. Great find!...Christine
Alison W said…
Liz, you'll need to host a tea party with all these lovely and unusual tea cups you've been finding.
Love, Alison
Pearl Maple said…
that is a beautiful design, great find
kit and nancy. said…
i love that the design is on the inside of the cup. i have a few like that and they're my favourites. a beautiful set.

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