Beautiful Ruin

This beautiful old building was once a sugarhouse here in Greenock. 

Glebe, Greenock

This is one of my favourite buildings in Greenock. 

Built in the 19th century, it was the Glebe Sugarhouse in the days when sugar refining was an important industry for this area.

It has been left ruinous.  Pigeons fly in and out of the broken windows.  It lies among waste ground abandoned and forlorn.

It is very near the container terminal which is where the large cruise liners dock when they visit the west coast - bringing thousands of tourists to the area.  What a great first impression  …………………. not!

I would turn this building into a heritage centre for Greenock.  I would have a first class café, with some pretty little shops on the ground floor.  Arts, heritage centre and antiques on the upper floors.  A bar and restaurant on the top floors which must have amazing river views.! It could be magnificent!

In the meantime, I pass by and dream.

I love this building.  I love its shape, I love the red brickwork, and I love its air of mystery.

Some even say it is haunted ……………………………!

Love, Liz


It's certainly haunting....
Unknown said…
I love it, it has a great shape, I can see your vision, maybe someone else will in the future.....haunted by whom??? would love to know x
carol at home said…
It is beautiful, is it listed?
BusyLizzie said…
Thank you for your blog comment Liz, what an amazing building. I agree it would make a fantastic heritage centre - with cafe, Antiques area etc.... maybe one day?
Yes, I think it is listed. Hope it doesn't fall down before they decide to do something with it!

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