Royalty in the 1930s

Bought this interesting book in a second-hand bookshop some years ago.

Published by The Daily Express (British newspaper) in 1938, it is called "These Tremendous Years"

it tells in pictures the stories which made the headlines in the years between 1919, just after the first world war, to 1938, just before the second world war.

It is a fascinating book - full of pictures of royalty, politicians, actors, and world leaders.  With the popularity of the film "The King's Speech", I thought I'd show some of the royal pictures today.

Hope you enjoyed this little look back in time.

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
What a lovely book, I love the photo's, I have a thing for coronation china, not sure why!! Oh and the allotment is just borrowed from a neighbour, it's our second year, it is hard work but I love it....we have a tidily garden, just enough room to swing a cat! x glad you had the sunshine too x
Jem said…
What a lovely book to have, I bet it's easy to while away the time reading that. As a period of time I love the style of the years in between both World Wars

Jem xXx
carol at home said…
Fabulous book, I remember looking through "Royal" books at my Grandma's house when I was little. In fact there was a time when I thought thet the Eton Crop was the v. hieght of chic!
Catherine said…
It's a very interesting book, thank you for sharing with us.
I enjoy looking and reading books from days gone by.

My Mother's silverware's name is Coronation
This is just what is on everyone's mind lately! A wonderful book. I also enjoyed the cottage china from your last post.

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