Greenwood Tree Teacup

I love this little teacup.

I have a trio - cup, saucer and side plate.

It is Royal Albert Greenwood Tree.

The colours are so lovely.

The handle is an unusual shape.

Hope you like it too.

Love, Liz

I'm linking to the following:-


Vintage Gal said…
What a sweet tea cup ~ I Love tea cups ~ they make me smile ;-)
Beth said…
What a gorgeous cup and saucer! Love the colors.
Blessings, Beth
*Susycottage* said…
Hello my dear Liz,
I can send you a comment,
the cup is gorgeous, very delicate.
A hug
° ° SUSY
Scarlett said…
What a fabulous tea cup - I love tea cups and am constantly buying them at the boot sales and Charity shops :o) Thanks for stopping by my blog Scarlett x
Okie Chic said…
How pretty love it. Thanks for stopping by Okic Chic and saying such sweet things.
Bookie said…
What a fetching trio....inviting and cheery!
Linda Jennings said…
This teacup is very pretty and very different from the many floral patterns in my collection.
Alison W said…
You seem to ahve a wonderful syupply of interesting china. Have you been a secret collector all these years or are these recent acquisitions and if so, have you got lucky at the charity shops? Are you sure you'll be able to downsize one fine day?!

Tara said…
What a wonderful tea cup! Love the pattern!
Sylvia said…
Hello Liz,
This china is so beautiful, lovely teacup !
And the colors are wonderful, like Spring, hope you can enjoy Spring soon !
Nice evening,
BusyLizzie said…
Never seen this design before, quite charming isn't it? Lizzie
PS Thank you for your lovely blog comment!
That's so pretty! x
Diane said…
Many thanks for stopping by - always great to "meet" another like minded soul. Your blog is lovely and I adore that cup and saucer. xxxx
Wow! I LOVED this tea cup + side plate! So pretty! So fresh! A really gorgeous decoration.
GardenOfDaisies said…
I love that cup too!!! A couple of years ago my sister was purchasing various teacups for a big tea party she was hosting, where each cup was a different pattern. I talked her into getting a teacup in this pattern. It didn't take much convincing once I told her the name, because Greenwood was a family name. (on her husbands side.)

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