Pretty Pictures

Remember the bits and pieces of cross stitch which I showed you in an earlier post?
Well, finally got around to doing something with two of the little pictures.

Bought two frames from the pound shop, painted them, added some gingham fabric and this is the final product.

I really like them, but wonder if I should add some ribbon in a bow to top of frame.

Do you think they are good enough to sell at a craft fair?
Going to make some more!

Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
They are very sweet, i def think they are good enough to sell at a craft fair, if you make more you could add ribbon to some that way people can choose. Scarlett x
Used-to-Bees said…
Jolly good! I think they'd be popular - love the way you've framed them.
Unknown said…
Hi Liz, definitely good enough to sell, they look great...... and I agree some with some without bows x
ted and bunny said…
hiya-just came over to say thanks for leaving your sweet comment; I wish you lived nearer too!
Love your blog- and such pretty pictures clever you!
The kitchen fireplace looks gorgeous painted, how lucky to have a grand place to display the pretties!
Have a great weekend

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